February 27 & 28 - Wednesday and Thursday - Ho Hum days

Wednesday was a coolish day to start and then it warmed up and was sunny.  I took Lu to school, stopped in to get a coffee at MacDonald's (no TV so no CNN fix for me yet) then bought some cards, went home and filled them out, went to the Post Office to mail them.  The post office clerk put the stamps on for me and threw the mail in the box for me.  Quite different from home.  Then I took Cassi's car to the Goodyear garage to have someone look at Cassi's car tire.  I had put air in the tire the day I started driving it and yes, it definitely has some kind of slow leak in it.  The fellow at the garage fixed it with a patch and told me the tire had a nail in it.  From there I went to a Bead shop to get my pearl necklace restrung as Lu had pulled it by accident and it broke.  Then off to Natural Grocers to pick up something for supper and then back to the Goodyear garage as they had said that the indicator light will go off once I drive it a bit and it didn't.  I went back to the garage because as far as I know maybe the tire still had a leak or the patch did not take.  I know nothing. 

By this time of the day, I had only 45 minutes before I was to pick Lu up.  The garage looked at everything again and made some adjustment and the warning light for a low pressure tire went off.  All fixed.  Then I went to pick up Lu.  That was my day!!   I only went out again with Darla for her evening walk.  Lu was in good humour and we all watched one show we chose each.  He was playing around with his animals and magnets. 

Today, I woke up, took Darla to the Doggie Spa just two blocks away from here.  She was going for a pawcure and shampoo and doggie daycare today.  Then I took Lu to school and I stopped in at the nearby MacDonald's for my decaf coffee.  Nope no TV yet.  I spoke with one of the regular gents who is always there and yes the TVs are coming just don't know when.   I told him, probably next week when I am gone. 

Yes I know I could go to another MacDonald's but this one is so close.  It is two minutes away.  That's why I go there.  Then I came home and it was cold today.  I decided to finish reading a book and then I finished another one.  I just love the library apps to borrow electronic books.  Especially when traveling.  There is a Libby App for regular book loans and I cloud library for the express books at the Ottawa Library and I can do this all over the internet.  So I always have two books going at the same time.  Then I made brownies for dessert tonight (gluten-free).  Somehow, time flew today and that was it.  I had stuff to take care of but will have to leave that for another day....   Some days one gets a lot accomplished somedays not.  The sun finally came out and it was pleasant with a cool wind.  I picked up Lu from school.  Lu was singing some songs he learned from school that were cute.  He rode his little cruiser bike around the house and is doing quite well with it.  I took Darla out and the night sky was clear and the downtown buildings were all outlined in lights.  The city lights are pretty here because most of the building do the outline lit up. It was a nice evening.

So two days of Ho Hum stuff and it was good to get some stuff done.


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